September is the month of 9, and overall, will be an easier month than the month of 8 we just experienced.
This is a good time to simplify your life. Be brave and get rid of anything you don't need.
If you have clothes or furniture that you don't use anymore,take the time to donate them to charity.
During this 9 month, get yourself ready for whatever it is you want to accomplish for the rest of the year.
One good practice is to write down all you want to get done, because once it is written, it becomes real to you.
If you have unresolved issues with family members, or you have problems with your partner, set up a lunch date in a neutral place and really communicate with them.
If you are normally the talker, I suggest you go quiet and let the person, or persons, do the talking.
If you are a quiet person, now is the time to speak up and let yourself be heard.
You are really free to express yourself in this 9 month of September.
The 9 Month encourages you to let go of the baggage-both physical and mental.
The 9 Month encourages you to let go of the baggage-both physical and mental.
You can now, truly get on with the next wonderful chapter of your life.
Use this opportunity wisely and also besure to have some fun in this month of September.
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